Academic Journey

I am a graduate student at Old Dominion University focused on media impact, digital communication, and emerging media. I intend to apply for a PhD program focused on these key areas in the fall of 2025. I am also a research assistant, editorial assistant, and graduate assistant across the communication department, and I have over 6 years of professional industry experience.

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Research Interests

Emerging Digital Media & Technology

Human-Technology Impact & Digital Well-Being

Media Influence

Curriculum Vitae

Old Dominion University

Master of Arts - Digital and Lifespan Communication (exp. Dec 2025)

GPA: 4.0

  • Co-author of unpublished Food Communication Research Paper with Dr. Tom Socha and others
  • Mellon Graduate Assistant for ePortfolio  Studio and Digital Initiatives 
  • Research Assistant for Dr. Tom Socha for Food Communication
  • Editorial Assistant for the upcoming textbook for Positive Communication Handbook
  • National Communication Association Student Member
  • Southern States Communication Association Member

Master of Arts - Lifespan and Digital Communication (exp. Dec 2025)

Louisiana State University

Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication - Digital Advertising (2018 - 2021)

GPA 3.9

  • Distinguished Communicator Award, one of 53 awarded across LSU
  • Semifinalist in the National Student Advertising Competition  Regionally for the client Tinder
  • Member of the American Advertising Federation
  • Copywriter and Designer at The Reveille
  • Lead Copywriter at The Mag, an LSU student magazine
  • Member of LSU Odgen Honors College

Professional Experience

  • Senior Account Manager – The Matchbox
  • Customer Success Manager –
  • Senior Media Planner, Strategy – Neil Patel Digital
  • Client Experience Manager – Amplified Digital Agency
  • Communications Coordinator – Cristo Rey Baton Rouge Franciscan High School